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1/2 way to 16!

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Our Makensie Brooke turned 8 years old a couple of weeks ago.  I asked her what was the best part about turning 8.  She immediately said “Well, I am halfway to getting my driver’s license”.  OH MY! OH MY! OH MY!  That is a scary thought.  Makensie Brooke is a unique young lady.  Most people do not know that she was born with a birth defect.  She had a major surgery when she was 8 months old and has had 5 surgeries since then.  Doctors told us that she would struggle in school, her speech would be greatly affected and that she would most likely be behind other kids her age.  For those of you who know my sweet little angel, you know that those doctors were completely wrong. 

Makensie is a leader, she is a comedian, she is so smart, she is compassionate and she lights up every room she walks into.  She does not like to be told that she cannot do something.  She loves to prove people wrong.  That being said, she is the most stubborn child I have ever met.  If you look up strong-willed child in the dictionary, I am quite sure there is a picture of Kensie.  The qualities that she has are going to make her a strong leader when she grows up.  I just do not want her to rush growing up.

Makensie Brooke makes me laugh every day. The other night she and I were in the car and it started pouring rain.  She started praying.  She said “Jesus, please keep me and momma safe.  Don’t let Abbie and Aubrie be scared at home.  And be with Julie at her dad’s house and keep her safe.  In Jesus name. Rock and Roll.  Amen”.  I am scared to death to watch that child grow up!!  So, on May 2, 2019, stay off the roads!!!!!!

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