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Category Archives: Humor

At Least Once A Week

Well, at least once a week I do something dingy. Some of you might remember my story from about a month ago about walking out my garage door to get in my van for work and realizing I forgot I I had my shirt in my hand…not on my body. Just an example of my true ding song abilities. So, I thought I’d share one of my latest tales.

A coworker and I have started carpooling 3 days a week. So one day last week Samara called to tell me she was on her was to get me. I was watching for her so I wouldn’t be late. I saw a white suv pull up out front so I confidently went out my front door, opened the car door (thinking Samara drove her fiances car that day) , took the papers and purse off the seat and sat down. No one was in the drivers seat so I said “Samara, where are you?” As I turned around to look in the back seat. You might be wondering what happened next?

Samara was not in the back seat! You see, my neighbor across the street watches kids from her house and someone was dropping her baby off. And I had just bardged right into her car, rearranged her front seat and made myself at home while she’s trying to get her infant out of the backseat!!!

After removing myself from her vehicle my friend showed up in her car. Let me paint this picture for you. Samara drives a black suv, the car I got into was a white Chevy Blazer, Samara’s fiancée’s car (that I thought I was getting into….silver Ford Explorer). How dumb am I???

I wish you could all have seen the look on that poor girls face.

Queen Mother and her Princesses

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I have not written in a while, so I thought it might be time to share a story with  you all.

Yesterday the girls and I went for a swim in the back yard.  And by a swim in the back yard,  I mean the girl swam and I floated in my pink chair.  After a while I put one of their old floaties that they like to play with on my head and told them that they cannot enter my kingdom (the swimming pool) unless they follow my orders.  They liked this idea.  First, they must call me Queen Mother,  they each thought that was funny and follow my command.  Second, they must kiss my hand upon entering my Kingdom and tell me their full name.  Again they thought that was funny.  Third they must have a talent to become part of my Kingdom.  Here is where it gets interesting.  Princess Abbie was first, her talent was singing.  She told me she has a beautiful voice.  I immediately let her into my Kingdom.  Next was Princess Aubrie , she said that she could play the guitar (she has dreams), so I let her into my Kingdom.  Finally was Princess Kensie B.  I asked her “Do you have any talents Princess?”,  “Oh yes, I have many talents” she responded, “I can sing, I can dance, I can tell jokes, I can play the drums, I can play the guitar, I am fun to be around and I am pretty.  I am VERY talented”.   8 years old and she has the confidence of a 20 year old.  Oh my goodness do we have our hands full or what?