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It’s Twins!!

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Six years ago this Thursday we welcomed twin girls into our family.  I will say that they were not planned, but I cannot imagine our home without them.  I have learned and experienced so much being the mother of identical twin girls.  So, I wanted to share some things with you.

First, people say the dumbest things to parents of twins.  Over the past six years we have heard it all.  Here are some of the questions we have gotten:

  • Are they twins? (Um, no they just look exactly alike)
  • Are they the same-sex? (No, we just dress the boy as a girl)
  • Did you have them vaginally? (WHAT?  Who asks that?)
  • How much weight did you gain with them? (Really?)
  • Did you breast feed both of them at the same time? (Who needs to know that?)

Those are just a few of my favorite questions.  Those were questions people asked when they were babies.  Now that they are older the most common question is asked to the girls, not to me.  Complete strangers ask Abbie and Aubrie 2 questions almost on a daily basis: 1) Are you twins? and 2) Do you like being twins?

Raising twin girls has been exciting and challenging.  Our girls have always done everything together, and I do mean everything.  I had them on a strict schedule when they were babies.  Therefore, they ate at the same time, slept at the same time and well,  they pooped at the same time.  I can promise you that to this day they still do all three of those things at the exact same time.  They are so sweet with each other.  When one of them is hurt or sick the other one is right there beside her sister loving on her, rubbing her back and wiping away her tears.  They are so in sync with each other, it’s amazing and a little spooky.

God gave me a surprise blessing, times two,  six years ago.   They make me laugh, they give me lots of grey hair and they make my heart so full.  I cannot image life without my sweet Abbie Grace and Aubrie Hope.

One response »

  1. Christie Jarnagin

    Awww!! I remember when you FOUND out you were expecting twins. She and Brock kind of walked around in a state of shock for a little while. lol But I couldn’t imagine you or your sweet family without them!! BTW Did you deliver vaginally? JK 😉


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